Working Groups
We have several working groups all made up of volunteers supporting our campaign. Below is a list of the groups and the chairperson.
We are looking for more volunteers. If you think you can help or have any experience/expertise in any of the below, please email [email protected]
ENVIRONMENTAL – flooding, impact to wildlife, tress, drainage, nature.
Jeremy Quince
SERVICES – Doctors, schools, dentists, public transport, utilities including gas and electricity.
Natalie Byrne
HIGHWAYS – Traffic congestion, highway conditions, accessiblity, monitoring and surveys.
Ian Collins
ADMININSTRATIVE SUPPORT – Social media, website, publicity, letters, minutes and correspondence.
Laura Bradley-Smith
ACCOUNTS – Fighting fund and donations.
Emily Brady
LEGAL – advice and support
Victoria Green
PLANNING – Local plan, panning procedures and processes.
David Blackadder Weinstein